Monthly Newsletters

March 2015 Newsletter


Thank you to Jeff Schoen, from Jones Fussell, LLP, who spoke on ” Regulatory Law on the Local Level” at our February CLE.

Our March lunch and CLE is on Friday, March 20th at Keith Young’s Restaurant. Our speaker this month will be Beth Alston, who will be speaking on “Defending Cases Before the Louisiana Disciplinary Board.” This presentation will satisfy one hour of Ethics credit. The CLE/lunch begins at noon, and Keith generally starts serving the meal around 12:15, the CLE itself will begin at 12:30. Please rsvp if you plan to attend.

I am open to any ideas for CLE programs, and if you have any thoughts on timely or creative topics or speakers, please let me know. I can be reached directly at

Best regards,
Alex Peragine, President


If you have not already done so, it is time to renew your membership for 2015! The membership card allows you to enter the courthouse without removing your belt or turning on your computer. If you want to remain a member and receive the monthly newsletter, your membership must be paid by April 1, 2015. Please contact Judy at if you have any questions. Attached is the registration form.


The BENCH, BAR & BADGE BUILD benefiting Habitat for St. Tammany West is scheduled for April 17 & 18. Please put this on your calendar. Complete information will be sent out soon.

Jessica Karr, Community Outreach Chair


The All Day Family Law CLE will be on May 8th at the Clarion Inn in Covington. The schedule of speakers is almost complete and will be sent out soon.

Zara Zeringue, Family Law Chair


Our first Young Lawyer Judge’s Luncheon and CLE is on Friday, March 27th. Judge Badeaux will speak on “Practical Courtroom Tips.” This event is open to all young lawyers and will be held in the Bar Association Library on the 3rd floor of the 22nd JDC Courthouse. This a great opportunity to have lunch and learn with one of our local judges. This is a small venue and it will be limited to 15 attendees. A light lunch is provided and the cost is $25.00 for the lunch and CLE. Please RSVP to Judy at

Christina Baldwin, Young Lawyer Chair

Judy Walz
Executive Director