Monthly Newsletters

August 2024 Newsletter

From the President…

As we prepare for a new school year and pray for lower temperatures, your 22nd JDC Bar Association has been busy at work. Our July CLE was, yet again, full as we heard from Aldric “Ric” Poirier, Jr. on How to Defend and Disciplinary Complaint. Thank you, Mr. Poirier.

July 26th was our first ever Bring Your Kid to Court Day and it was a HIT! Bar Association kids and relatives (depending on their ages) met judges, attended traffic court, had a scavenger hunt, toured courtrooms, chambers, holding cells, the KidSense room, elections, land records, the clerk’s criminal and civil divisions, met Tubbs the Therapy Dog, had story time, ate lunch and left with swag bags from both the clerk’s office and the 22nd JDC Bar Association. We could not have done it without our selfless volunteers, Justice Center Administration and Facilities Staff, and Deputies from the Sheriff’s Office. A special thank you to Judges Lobello, Amacker, and Oppenheim for making these kids’ day so special!

Now for what we have in store for the rest of the year!! To add to your already full calendar, a few reminders from your friendly 22nd JDC Bar Association:

If you are a criminal practitioner, don’t forget the “½ Day Criminal Law CLE” on August 9th at the St. Tammany Parish Justice Center Jury Room. Check in and Breakfast begin at 8:30 and you will hear from John Linder – Director of the 22nd JDC Public Defender’s Office on Legislative Updates, District Attorney Collin Sims on DA’s Office Updates, and Judge Scott Gardner and Caroline Gabriel who will inform you of the changes legislature has recently made to DOC time calculations. It is sure to be an informative day! You can register here (pricing goes up on August 2!):

Register & Pay Online

Our August monthly CLE is on August 16th at Zea’s and will feature Judge Alan Zaunbrecher who will speak about “The 10 Commandments of Cross Examination and Trial Technique Lessons Learned from My Cousin Vinny”. I can’t wait for this one!

August CLE – Register & Pay Online

We will welcome our new Clerk of Court, Jessica Brewster on September 20th at Zea’s. She will give us an update on “The State Of Our Records” . This is another one not to be missed!

September CLE – Register & Pay Online

Check out an announcement from our new Clerk of Court below in this newsletter.

Our final monthly CLE is on October 18th at Zea’s. We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Angela White-Bazile from the Judges & Lawyers Assistance Program, who will present on “Functioning in Dysfunction”. This is a topic I believe we can all relate to!

October CLE – Register & Pay Online

We will close out the year with a BANG with our final CLE presentation –
the All Day CLE on November 15th at the Southern Hotel. Details are coming soon but we have some really dynamic speakers including a judge, experts in personal injury, tech, and, of course, your ethics and professionalism hours.
As the summer comes to an end, we hope to see you at the Bar.

Kristen Stanley-Wallace
22nd JDC Bar Association

Want to serve as an Election Commissioner
(or know someone who does?)

-You are eligible if you are a registered voter in St Tammany Parish, are able to vote without assistance and have completed/pass the course of instruction
-You will set up/close a voting precinct, assist voters and enforce Election Laws, and maintain accurate voting records
-It’s a great way to get involved, assist voters, contribute to your community and earn between $100-$300 dollars

Contact the St. Tammany Parish Clerk of Court’s Election Department


Kristen Stanley-Wallace, President
Michael Nicaud, Vice President
Amanda Trosclair, Treasurer
Reina Gardner, Executive Director