Monthly Newsletters

January 2022 Newsletter


President’s Message:

A new year often brings a commitment to making resolutions. Most often my personal resolutions take the form of goals to write more letters to friends and family or to just be more “present” in a world that is increasingly distracting. While I will endeavor (yet again) to achieve those ideals that often seem out of reach, I’m grateful for the added opportunity this new year brings to be of service to you and this Association.

With that in mind, we are going to model our approach to 2022 as an chance to:

  • Refocus our attention on what matters as practitioners and professionals;
  • Reconnect with friends, colleagues and mentors; and
  • Renew our minds so we, as legal professionals, can continue to serve our community both professionally and personally.

Unfortunately, and while we had hoped to return to our “in-person” format this month, ongoing renovations at our venue and the resurgence of COVID-19 require us to maintain our “virtual” presentations for January, and likely, February. It is our hope and prayer that our luncheons and live CLE presentations will resume in March. We will keep you all posted as this situation develops.

Save the Date for our 2022 CLE’s:
January 21st- ZOOM
Payment Link for the December 10th CLE:


February 18th-ZOOM
March 18th
April 8th (one week early due to Good Friday & Easter weekend)
May 20th
June 17th
July 15th
August 19th
September 16th
October 21st
November 18th (All Day CLE)

Please let me know if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions for CLE topics.

I personally want to thank each of you for your membership and continued participation in our local Bar Association. It is an honor and privilege to serve you and our membership’s needs. On behalf of myself and fellow 2022 officers, Collin Sims (Vice President/President Elect) and Kristen Stanley-Wallace (Treasurer), we wish you all a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!

Bailey Morse


Your 2022 membership is now due, the cost is only $75 (look for ways to get a discount price on your membership form). Please click on the MEMBERSHIP link to pay on-line or print out the form and mail it in with payment. You will be mailed a purple membership card once payment is received; the blue membership card will no longer be good after January 31st.


If you have not had a chance to look at this, please check it out and let us know your views. This is not only the place to quickly look up everything going on in our Association, but is also our attorney referral source. The Bar Association receives many calls from the public and this is where we send them to find an attorney; as well as other attorneys who may be looking for you. So, please fill out the on-line form to be included; this must be done every year to keep it current.

Basic Listing: Lists your name, phone number and address and is free with your current membership dues. This information must be filled out by you.

Premium Listing: Lists your name, phone, address, link to website and area of practice, and is only $50 per year. (Look for ways for a discount price on your membership form).

Membership Links