September 2023 Newsletter
Thank you to Judges William “Billy” Burris, Alan Zaunbrecher, Raymond Childress, Richard Swartz and Shannon Hattier for speaking at our August CLE on “Specialty Court Judges Panel and Jail Diversion”.
Our next monthly CLE is on September 15th at Zea Restaurant on Hwy 190 in Covington. Our guest speaker will be Louisiana Solicitor General Liz Baker Murrill who will speak on “Consent Decrees”.
- Lunch service will begin at Noon and the cost is $35. The cost for the CLE is $15 for members, $25 for non-members.
- Click on the link below to register and pre-pay. If you paid for the annual CLEs please click on the link and pay for lunch only to reserve your spot.
- Space at Zea is limited to 50, so register soon.
CLE link:
Register & Pay Online
Save the Date for our 2023 CLE’s:
October 20th–First Circuit Judges Penzato and Wolfe
Topic: “Back to Basics – A Review of First Circuit Jurisprudence and Procedure”
November 17th –All Day CLE at The Southern Hotel
Speakers and Topics TBA
Collin Sims
After 15 years our executive director, Judy Walz, is retiring.
Starting January 1, 2024, our new executive director will be Reina Gardner. Many of you may know her from her years of work at Christ Episcopal, but also as Judge Gardner’s wife. Reina brings a wealth of knowledge and organizational skills and will be a great addition to the 22nd JDC Bar Association.
You are cordially invited to the 2023 Opening of Court for the 22nd Judicial District. Please Click here for invitation and details.
OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLEAttorney office space available at 512 East Boston Street, Covington with secretarial, conference room, kitchen and off-street parking. Office shared with 3 attorneys.
Call 985-809-7050 for more information.
Judy Walz – Executive Director
(985) 867-4833