Monthly Newsletters

October 2022 Newsletter

Dear Members,

“October is a symphony of permanence and change.”
~ Bonaro W. Overstreet

When I came across the quote above, our Association instantly came to mind. This Association is its own “October” of sorts. Over the last several years, our permanence within our legal community has been confirmed, but so has our ability to change and adapt, not only for the betterment of our profession, but also for our clients, our families and ourselves.

It is only fitting that our final monthly CLE of 2022 features a positive change afoot within the 22nd Judicial District Court. Please join us on October 28th for an informational CLE by Judge Alan Zaunbrecher highlighting the “The New AOT Specialty Court.”

A reminder that our October CLE was moved to the 28th, due to a conflict with the venue (Beau Chene Country Club, 602 N. Beau Chene Dr, in Mandeville, LA).

Lunch service featuring a Chef’s Choice* selection will begin at Noon and the cost is $28. The cost of the CLE is $15 for members, $25 for non-members. Please click on the link below to register and pay for lunch and the CLE. If you paid for the annual CLEs, please click on the link below and pay for lunch only.

*Chef’s choice includes soup or salad, entree with two sides, dessert, coffee/tea/water.

October lunch and CLE registration:

Many thanks to Becky Mighton, Staff Attorney for Division “B,” and George Amman, Staff Attorney for Division “I,” for their fun and informational presentation during our September luncheon.

Finally, mark your calendars for our Annual All Day CLE on November 18th at Beau Chene Country Club. The daylong seminar will offer six (6) hours of CLE credit, including Ethics and Professionalism. Detailed information regarding the program and registration will be forwarded in the near future.

Bailey Morse

Judy Walz – Executive Director
(985) 867-4833